Things I've Built
there's nothing more fun than working with friends to make an idea come to life
Testnet framework integrating Narwhal/Bullshark's high-throughput consensus with EVM execution powered by Foundry's Anvil.
Prove you clicked a picture on your iPhone, using hardware signing.
Automatically generate security reports for EVM smart contracts, using static analysis.
India's first online dashboard to connect COVID-19 patients with plasma donors. Connected 3500+ patients and donors.
Improving crypto governance by enabling DAOs and protocols to reward their most active contributors with voting power.
Making Uniswap's TWAP price oracle more outlier-resistant by implementing a winsorized TWAP oracle from scratch.
An iOS app to help Alzheimer's caregivers remind their loved ones of daily tasks and ensure their safety.
An iOS app to alert and send your location to your close contacts when unsafe. Received 2300+ downloads.
A program to create music using random walks, starting from A and then exploring nearby notes to create a tune. Call this generative AI.
Trying to save animals in wildlife reserves through real-time detection of poachers.